Shwezigon Pagoda Festival

Shwezigon Pagoda Festival

Shwezigon pagoda is situated in Nyaung Oo. The name "Shwezigon" derives from the Pali word “Jeyya_Bhumi”.  “Jeyya-Bhumi”, literally translates to “the land of victory”, “Jeyya” meaning “victory” and “Bumi” meaning “land”. Shwezigon is a solid, cylindrical structure resting on three square terraces in the width of (160) feet and the height of (160) feet. It was built by King Anawrahta (A.D 1044 -1077) and completed by King Kyanzittha (A.D.1084-1113). It is the prototype of Myanmar Stupas. As it enshrined sacred relics of the Buddha Frontal bone, collarbone and a tooth, people believe that Shwezigon is the most venerated pagoda in Bagan.

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